Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module is for generating the batch data for training and testing.
import torch
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from pykg2vec.common import TrainingStrategy

[docs]def raw_data_generator(command_queue, raw_queue, config): """Function to feed triples to raw queue for multiprocessing. Args: command_queue (Queue) : Each enqueued is either a command or a number of batch size. raw_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the raw data to be processed. config (pykg2vec.Config) : Consists of the necessary parameters for training configuration. """ data = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('triplets_train') number_of_batch = len(data) // config.batch_size random_ids = np.random.permutation(len(data)) while True: command = command_queue.get() if command != "quit": number_of_batch = command for batch_idx in range(number_of_batch): pos_start = config.batch_size * batch_idx pos_end = config.batch_size * (batch_idx + 1) raw_data = np.asarray([[data[x].h, data[x].r, data[x].t] for x in random_ids[pos_start:pos_end]]) raw_queue.put((batch_idx, raw_data)) else: raw_queue.put(None) raw_queue.put(None) return
[docs]def process_function_pairwise(raw_queue, processed_queue, config): """Function that puts the processed data in the queue. Args: raw_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the raw data to be processed. processed_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the processed data. config (pykg2vec.Config) : Consists of the necessary parameters for training configuration. """ data = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('triplets_train') relation_property = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('relationproperty') positive_triplets = {(t.h, t.r, t.t): 1 for t in data} neg_rate = config.neg_rate del data # save memory space while True: item = raw_queue.get() if item is None: return _, pos_triples = item ph = pos_triples[:, 0] pr = pos_triples[:, 1] pt = pos_triples[:, 2] nh = [] nr = [] nt = [] for t in pos_triples: prob = relation_property[t[1]] if config.sampling == "bern" else 0.5 for _ in range(neg_rate): if np.random.random() > prob: idx_replace_tail = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) while (t[0], t[1], idx_replace_tail) in positive_triplets: idx_replace_tail = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) nh.append(t[0]) nr.append(t[1]) nt.append(idx_replace_tail) else: idx_replace_head = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) while (idx_replace_head, t[1], t[2]) in positive_triplets: idx_replace_head = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) nh.append(idx_replace_head) nr.append(t[1]) nt.append(t[2]) processed_queue.put([ph, pr, pt, nh, nr, nt])
[docs]def process_function_pointwise(raw_queue, processed_queue, config): """Function that puts the processed data in the queue. Args: raw_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the raw data to be processed. processed_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the processed data. config (pykg2vec.Config) : Consists of the necessary parameters for training configuration. """ data = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('triplets_train') relation_property = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('relationproperty') positive_triplets = {(t.h, t.r, t.t): 1 for t in data} neg_rate = config.neg_rate del data # save memory space while True: item = raw_queue.get() if item is None: return _, pos_triples = item point_h = [] point_r = [] point_t = [] point_y = [] for t in pos_triples: # postive sample point_h.append(t[0]) point_r.append(t[1]) point_t.append(t[2]) point_y.append(1) prob = relation_property[t[1]] if config.sampling == "bern" else 0.5 for _ in range(neg_rate): if np.random.random() > prob: idx_replace_tail = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) while (t[0], t[1], idx_replace_tail) in positive_triplets: idx_replace_tail = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) point_h.append(t[0]) point_r.append(t[1]) point_t.append(idx_replace_tail) point_y.append(-1) else: idx_replace_head = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) while (idx_replace_head, t[1], t[2]) in positive_triplets: idx_replace_head = np.random.randint(config.tot_entity) point_h.append(idx_replace_head) point_r.append(t[1]) point_t.append(t[2]) point_y.append(-1) processed_queue.put([point_h, point_r, point_t, point_y])
[docs]def process_function_multiclass(raw_queue, processed_queue, config): """Function that puts the processed data in the queue. Args: raw_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the raw data to be processed. processed_queue (Queue) : Multiprocessing Queue to put the processed data. config (pykg2vec.Config) : Consists of the necessary parameters for training configuration. """ def _to_sparse_i(indices): x = [] y = [] for index in indices: x.append(index[0]) y.append(index[1]) return [x, y] hr_t_train = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('hr_t_train') tr_h_train = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('tr_h_train') neg_rate = config.neg_rate shape = [config.batch_size, config.tot_entity] while True: item = raw_queue.get() if item is None: return idx, raw_data = item h = raw_data[:, 0] r = raw_data[:, 1] t = raw_data[:, 2] indices_hr_t = [] indices_tr_h = [] neg_indices_hr_t = [] neg_indices_tr_h = [] random_ids = np.random.permutation(config.tot_entity) for i in range(config.batch_size): hr_t = hr_t_train[(h[i], r[i])] tr_h = tr_h_train[(t[i], r[i])] for idx in hr_t: indices_hr_t.append([i, idx]) for idx in tr_h: indices_tr_h.append([i, idx]) if neg_rate > 0: for idx in random_ids[0:100]: if idx not in hr_t: neg_indices_hr_t.append([i, idx]) for idx in random_ids[0:100]: if idx not in tr_h: neg_indices_tr_h.append([i, idx]) values_hr_t = torch.FloatTensor([1]).repeat([len(indices_hr_t)]) values_tr_h = torch.FloatTensor([1]).repeat([len(indices_tr_h)]) if neg_rate > 0: neg_values_hr_t = torch.FloatTensor([-1]).repeat([len(neg_indices_hr_t)]) neg_values_tr_h = torch.FloatTensor([-1]).repeat([len(neg_indices_tr_h)]) # It looks Torch sparse tensor does not work in multi processing # so they need to be converted to dense, which is not memory efficient # # hr_t = torch.sparse.LongTensor(torch.LongTensor(_to_sparse_i(indices_hr_t)), values_hr_t, torch.Size(shape)).to_dense() tr_h = torch.sparse.LongTensor(torch.LongTensor(_to_sparse_i(indices_tr_h)), values_tr_h, torch.Size(shape)).to_dense() if neg_rate > 0: neg_hr_t = torch.sparse.LongTensor(torch.LongTensor(_to_sparse_i(neg_indices_hr_t)), neg_values_hr_t, torch.Size(shape)).to_dense() neg_tr_h = torch.sparse.LongTensor(torch.LongTensor(_to_sparse_i(neg_indices_tr_h)), neg_values_tr_h, torch.Size(shape)).to_dense() hr_t = hr_t.add(neg_hr_t) tr_h = tr_h.add(neg_tr_h) processed_queue.put([h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h])
[docs]class Generator: """Generator class for the embedding algorithms Args: config (object): generator configuration object. model_config (object): Model configuration object. Yields: matrix : Batch size of processed triples Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.generator import Generator >>> from pykg2vec.models.TransE impor TransE >>> model = TransE() >>> gen_train = Generator(model.config, training_strategy=TrainingStrategy.PAIRWISE_BASED) """ def __init__(self, model, config): self.model = model self.config = config self.training_strategy = model.training_strategy self.process_list = [] self.raw_queue_size = 10 self.processed_queue_size = 10 self.command_queue = Queue(self.raw_queue_size) self.raw_queue = Queue(self.raw_queue_size) self.processed_queue = Queue(self.processed_queue_size) self.create_feeder_process() self.create_train_processor_process() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return self.processed_queue.get()
[docs] def stop(self): """Function to stop all the worker process.""" self.command_queue.put("quit") for worker_process in self.process_list: while True: worker_process.join(1) if not worker_process.is_alive(): break
[docs] def create_feeder_process(self): """Function create the feeder process.""" feeder_worker = Process(target=raw_data_generator, args=(self.command_queue, self.raw_queue, self.config)) self.process_list.append(feeder_worker) feeder_worker.daemon = True feeder_worker.start()
[docs] def create_train_processor_process(self): """Function ro create the process for generating training samples.""" for _ in range(self.config.num_process_gen): if self.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PROJECTION_BASED: process_worker = Process(target=process_function_multiclass, args=(self.raw_queue, self.processed_queue, self.config)) elif self.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PAIRWISE_BASED: process_worker = Process(target=process_function_pairwise, args=(self.raw_queue, self.processed_queue, self.config)) elif self.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.POINTWISE_BASED: process_worker = Process(target=process_function_pointwise, args=(self.raw_queue, self.processed_queue, self.config)) else: raise NotImplementedError("This strategy is not supported.") self.process_list.append(process_worker) process_worker.daemon = True process_worker.start()
def start_one_epoch(self, num_batch): self.command_queue.put(num_batch)