Source code for pykg2vec.models.pairwise

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from pykg2vec.models.KGMeta import PairwiseModel
from pykg2vec.models.Domain import NamedEmbedding
from pykg2vec.utils.criterion import Criterion

[docs]class TransE(PairwiseModel): """ `Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data`_ (TransE) is an energy based model which represents the relationships as translations in the embedding space. Specifically, it assumes that if a fact (h, r, t) holds then the embedding of the tail 't' should be close to the embedding of head entity 'h' plus some vector that depends on the relationship 'r'. Which means that if (h,r,t) holds then the embedding of the tail 't' should be close to the embedding of head entity 'h' plus some vector that depends on the relationship 'r'. In TransE, both entities and relations are vectors in the same space Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. Portion of the code based on `OpenKE_TransE`_ and `wencolani`_. .. _OpenKE_TransE: .. _wencolani: .. _Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TransE, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "l1_flag"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids. Returns: Tensors: the scores of evaluationReturns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) if self.l1_flag: return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=1, dim=-1) return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=2, dim=-1)
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids. Returns: Tensors: Returns a tuple of head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e = self.ent_embeddings(h) r_e = self.rel_embeddings(r) t_e = self.ent_embeddings(t) return h_e, r_e, t_e
[docs]class TransH(PairwiseModel): """ `Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes`_ (TransH) follows the general principle of the TransE. However, compared to it, it introduces relation-specific hyperplanes. The entities are represented as vecotrs just like in TransE, however, the relation is modeled as a vector on its own hyperplane with a normal vector. The entities are then projected to the relation hyperplane to calculate the loss. TransH models a relation as a hyperplane together with a translation operation on it. By doing this, it aims to preserve the mapping properties of relations such as reflexive, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many with almost the same model complexity of TransE. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. Portion of the code based on `OpenKE_TransH`_ and `thunlp_TransH`_. .. _OpenKE_TransH: .. _thunlp_TransH: .. _Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TransH, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "l1_flag"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) self.w = NamedEmbedding("w", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.w.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.w, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) if self.l1_flag: return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=1, dim=-1) return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=2, dim=-1)
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) proj_vec = self.w(r) emb_h = self._projection(emb_h, proj_vec) emb_t = self._projection(emb_t, proj_vec) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
@staticmethod def _projection(emb_e, proj_vec): """Calculates the projection of entities""" proj_vec = F.normalize(proj_vec, p=2, dim=-1) # [b, k], [b, k] return emb_e - torch.sum(emb_e * proj_vec, dim=-1, keepdims=True) * proj_vec
[docs]class TransD(PairwiseModel): r""" `Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix`_ (TransD) is an improved version of TransR. For each triplet :math:`(h, r, t)`, it uses two mapping matrices :math:`M_{rh}`, :math:`M_{rt}` :math:`\in` :math:`R^{mn}` to project entities from entity space to relation space. TransD constructs a dynamic mapping matrix for each entity-relation pair by considering the diversity of entities and relations simultaneously. Compared with TransR/CTransR, TransD has fewer parameters and has no matrix vector multiplication. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. Portion of the code based on `OpenKE_TransD`_. .. _OpenKE_TransD: .. _Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TransD, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "rel_hidden_size", "ent_hidden_size", "l1_flag"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.ent_hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.rel_hidden_size) self.ent_mappings = NamedEmbedding("ent_mappings", self.tot_entity, self.ent_hidden_size) self.rel_mappings = NamedEmbedding("rel_mappings", self.tot_relation, self.rel_hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_mappings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_mappings.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.ent_mappings, self.rel_mappings, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) h_m = self.ent_mappings(h) r_m = self.rel_mappings(r) t_m = self.ent_mappings(t) emb_h = self._projection(emb_h, h_m, r_m) emb_t = self._projection(emb_t, t_m, r_m) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids. Returns: Tensors: the scores of evaluationReturns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) if self.l1_flag: return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=1, dim=-1) return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=2, dim=-1)
@staticmethod def _projection(emb_e, emb_m, proj_vec): # [b, k] + sigma ([b, k] * [b, k]) * [b, k] return emb_e + torch.sum(emb_e * emb_m, axis=-1, keepdims=True) * proj_vec
[docs]class TransM(PairwiseModel): """ `Transition-based Knowledge Graph Embedding with Relational Mapping Properties`_ (TransM) is another line of research that improves TransE by relaxing the overstrict requirement of h+r ==> t. TransM associates each fact (h, r, t) with a weight theta(r) specific to the relation. TransM helps to remove the the lack of flexibility present in TransE when it comes to mapping properties of triplets. It utilizes the structure of the knowledge graph via pre-calculating the distinct weight for each training triplet according to its relational mapping property. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _Transition-based Knowledge Graph Embedding with Relational Mapping Properties: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TransM, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "l1_flag"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) rel_head = {x: [] for x in range(self.tot_relation)} rel_tail = {x: [] for x in range(self.tot_relation)} rel_counts = {x: 0 for x in range(self.tot_relation)} train_triples_ids = kwargs["knowledge_graph"].read_cache_data('triplets_train') for t in train_triples_ids: rel_head[t.r].append(t.h) rel_tail[t.r].append(t.t) rel_counts[t.r] += 1 theta = [1/np.log(2+rel_counts[x]/(1+len(rel_tail[x])) + rel_counts[x]/(1+len(rel_head[x]))) for x in range(self.tot_relation)] self.theta = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float32)).to(kwargs["device"]) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids. Returns: Tensors: the scores of evaluationReturns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) r_theta = self.theta[r] if self.l1_flag: return r_theta*torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=1, dim=-1) return r_theta*torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=2, dim=-1)
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
[docs]class TransR(PairwiseModel): """ `Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion`_ (TransR) is a translation based knowledge graph embedding method. Similar to TransE and TransH, it also builds entity and relation embeddings by regarding a relation as translation from head entity to tail entity. However, compared to them, it builds the entity and relation embeddings in a separate entity and relation spaces. Portion of the code based on `thunlp_transR`_. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _thunlp_transR: .. _Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TransR, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "rel_hidden_size", "ent_hidden_size", "l1_flag"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.ent_hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.rel_hidden_size) self.rel_matrix = NamedEmbedding("rel_matrix", self.tot_relation, self.ent_hidden_size * self.rel_hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_matrix.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.rel_matrix, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge def transform(self, e, matrix): matrix = matrix.view(-1, self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size) if e.shape[0] != matrix.shape[0]: e = e.view(-1, matrix.shape[0], self.ent_hidden_size).permute(1, 0, 2) e = torch.matmul(e, matrix).permute(1, 0, 2) else: e = e.view(-1, 1, self.ent_hidden_size) e = torch.matmul(e, matrix) return e.view(-1, self.rel_hidden_size)
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e = self.ent_embeddings(h) r_e = self.rel_embeddings(r) t_e = self.ent_embeddings(t) h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) h_e = torch.unsqueeze(h_e, 1) t_e = torch.unsqueeze(t_e, 1) # [b, 1, k] matrix = self.rel_matrix(r) # [b, k, d] transform_h_e = self.transform(h_e, matrix) transform_t_e = self.transform(t_e, matrix) # [b, 1, d] = [b, 1, k] * [b, k, d] h_e = torch.squeeze(transform_h_e, axis=1) t_e = torch.squeeze(transform_t_e, axis=1) # [b, d] return h_e, r_e, t_e
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids. Returns: Tensors: the scores of evaluationReturns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h_e = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t_e = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) if self.l1_flag: return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=1, dim=-1) return torch.norm(norm_h_e + norm_r_e - norm_t_e, p=2, dim=-1)
[docs]class SLM(PairwiseModel): """ In `Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion`_, SLM model is designed as a baseline of Neural Tensor Network. The model constructs a nonlinear neural network to represent the score function. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SLM, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "rel_hidden_size", "ent_hidden_size"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.ent_hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.rel_hidden_size) self.mr1 = NamedEmbedding("mr1", self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size) self.mr2 = NamedEmbedding("mr2", self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mr1.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mr2.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.mr1, self.mr2, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) return -torch.sum(norm_r * self.layer(norm_h, norm_t), -1)
[docs] def layer(self, h, t): """Defines the forward pass layer of the algorithm. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. """ mr1h = torch.matmul(h, self.mr1.weight) # h => [m, d], self.mr1 => [d, k] mr2t = torch.matmul(t, self.mr2.weight) # t => [m, d], self.mr2 => [d, k] return torch.tanh(mr1h + mr2t)
[docs]class SME(PairwiseModel): """ `A Semantic Matching Energy Function for Learning with Multi-relational Data`_ Semantic Matching Energy (SME) is an algorithm for embedding multi-relational data into vector spaces. SME conducts semantic matching using neural network architectures. Given a fact (h, r, t), it first projects entities and relations to their embeddings in the input layer. Later the relation r is combined with both h and t to get gu(h, r) and gv(r, t) in its hidden layer. The score is determined by calculating the matching score of gu and gv. There are two versions of SME: a linear version(SMELinear) as well as bilinear(SMEBilinear) version which differ in how the hidden layer is defined. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. Portion of the code based on glorotxa_. .. _glorotxa: .. _A Semantic Matching Energy Function for Learning with Multi-relational Data: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SME, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) self.mu1 = NamedEmbedding("mu1", self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size) self.mu2 = NamedEmbedding("mu2", self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size) self.bu = NamedEmbedding("bu", self.hidden_size, 1) self.mv1 = NamedEmbedding("mv1", self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size) self.mv2 = NamedEmbedding("mv2", self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size) = NamedEmbedding("bv", self.hidden_size, 1) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mu1.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mu2.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.bu.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mv1.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mv2.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.mu1, self.mu2, self.bu, self.mv1, self.mv2,, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
def _gu_linear(self, h, r): """Function to calculate linear loss. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the bilinear loss. """ mu1h = torch.matmul(self.mu1.weight, h.T) # [k, b] mu2r = torch.matmul(self.mu2.weight, r.T) # [k, b] return (mu1h + mu2r + self.bu.weight).T # [b, k] def _gv_linear(self, r, t): """Function to calculate linear loss. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the bilinear loss. """ mv1t = torch.matmul(self.mv1.weight, t.T) # [k, b] mv2r = torch.matmul(self.mv2.weight, r.T) # [k, b] return (mv1t + mv2r + # [b, k]
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to that performs semanting matching. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the semantic matchin score. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) return -torch.sum(self._gu_linear(norm_h, norm_r) * self._gv_linear(norm_r, norm_t), 1)
[docs]class SME_BL(SME): """ `A Semantic Matching Energy Function for Learning with Multi-relational Data`_ SME_BL is an extension of SME_ that BiLinear function to calculate the matching scores. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _`SME`: api.html#pykg2vec.models.pairwise.SME """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SME_BL, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.model_name = self.__class__.__name__.lower() self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge def _gu_bilinear(self, h, r): """Function to calculate bilinear loss. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the bilinear loss. """ mu1h = torch.matmul(self.mu1.weight, h.T) # [k, b] mu2r = torch.matmul(self.mu2.weight, r.T) # [k, b] return (mu1h * mu2r + self.bu.weight).T # [b, k] def _gv_bilinear(self, r, t): """Function to calculate bilinear loss. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the bilinear loss. """ mv1t = torch.matmul(self.mv1.weight, t.T) # [k, b] mv2r = torch.matmul(self.mv2.weight, r.T) # [k, b] return (mv1t * mv2r + # [b, k]
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): """Function to that performs semanting matching. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns the semantic matchin score. """ h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) return torch.sum(self._gu_bilinear(norm_h, norm_r) * self._gv_bilinear(norm_r, norm_t), -1)
[docs]class RotatE(PairwiseModel): """ `Rotate-Knowledge graph embedding by relation rotation in complex space`_ (RotatE) models the entities and the relations in the complex vector space. The translational relation in RotatE is defined as the element-wise 2D rotation in which the head entity h will be rotated to the tail entity t by multiplying the unit-length relation r in complex number form. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _Rotate-Knowledge graph embedding by relation rotation in complex space: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(RotatE, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "margin"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.embedding_range = (self.margin + 2.0) / self.hidden_size self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embeddings_real", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.ent_embeddings_imag = NamedEmbedding("ent_embeddings_imag", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embeddings_real", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) nn.init.uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight, -self.embedding_range, self.embedding_range) nn.init.uniform_(self.ent_embeddings_imag.weight, -self.embedding_range, self.embedding_range) nn.init.uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight, -self.embedding_range, self.embedding_range) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.ent_embeddings_imag, self.rel_embeddings, ] self.loss = Criterion.pariwise_logistic
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns real and imaginary values of head, relation and tail embedding. """ pi = 3.14159265358979323846 h_e_r = self.ent_embeddings(h) h_e_i = self.ent_embeddings_imag(h) r_e_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) t_e_r = self.ent_embeddings(t) t_e_i = self.ent_embeddings_imag(t) r_e_r = r_e_r / (self.embedding_range / pi) r_e_i = torch.sin(r_e_r) r_e_r = torch.cos(r_e_r) return h_e_r, h_e_i, r_e_r, r_e_i, t_e_r, t_e_i
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e_r, h_e_i, r_e_r, r_e_i, t_e_r, t_e_i = self.embed(h, r, t) score_r = h_e_r * r_e_r - h_e_i * r_e_i - t_e_r score_i = h_e_r * r_e_i + h_e_i * r_e_r - t_e_i return -(self.margin - torch.sum(score_r**2 + score_i**2, axis=-1))
[docs]class Rescal(PairwiseModel): """ `A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data`_ (RESCAL) is a tensor factorization approach to knowledge representation learning, which is able to perform collective learning via the latent components of the factorization. Rescal is a latent feature model where each relation is represented as a matrix modeling the iteraction between latent factors. It utilizes a weight matrix which specify how much the latent features of head and tail entities interact in the relation. Portion of the code based on mnick_ and `OpenKE_Rescal`_. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _mnick: .. _OpenKE_Rescal: .. _A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data : """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Rescal, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "margin"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_matrices = NamedEmbedding("rel_matrices", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size * self.hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_matrices.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_matrices, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """ Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ k = self.hidden_size = self.get_normalized_data(self.ent_embeddings, self.tot_entity, dim=-1) = self.get_normalized_data(self.rel_matrices, self.tot_relation, dim=-1) emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_matrices(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) emb_h = emb_h.view(-1, k, 1) emb_r = emb_r.view(-1, k, k) emb_t = emb_t.view(-1, k, 1) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) # dim of h: [m, k, 1] # r: [m, k, k] # t: [m, k, 1] return -torch.sum(h_e * torch.matmul(r_e, t_e), [1, 2])
@staticmethod def get_normalized_data(embedding, num_embeddings, p=2, dim=1): norms = torch.norm(embedding.weight, p, dim).data return, 1).expand_as(embedding.weight))
[docs]class NTN(PairwiseModel): """ `Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion`_ (NTN) is a neural tensor network which represents entities as an average of their constituting word vectors. It then projects entities to their vector embeddings in the input layer. The two entities are then combined and mapped to a non-linear hidden layer. It is a neural tensor network which represents entities as an average of their constituting word vectors. It then projects entities to their vector embeddings in the input layer. The two entities are then combined and mapped to a non-linear hidden layer. Portion of the code based on `siddharth-agrawal`_. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _siddharth-agrawal: .. _Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(NTN, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "ent_hidden_size", "rel_hidden_size", "lmbda"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.ent_hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.rel_hidden_size) self.mr1 = NamedEmbedding("mr1", self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size) self.mr2 = NamedEmbedding("mr2", self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size) = NamedEmbedding("br", 1, self.rel_hidden_size) = NamedEmbedding("mr", self.rel_hidden_size, self.ent_hidden_size*self.ent_hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mr1.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.mr2.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_( nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, self.mr1, self.mr2,,, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def train_layer(self, h, t): """ Defines the forward pass training layers of the algorithm. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. """ mr1h = torch.matmul(h, self.mr1.weight) # h => [m, self.ent_hidden_size], self.mr1 => [self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size] mr2t = torch.matmul(t, self.mr2.weight) # t => [m, self.ent_hidden_size], self.mr2 => [self.ent_hidden_size, self.rel_hidden_size] expanded_h = h.unsqueeze(dim=0).repeat(self.rel_hidden_size, 1, 1) # [self.rel_hidden_size, m, self.ent_hidden_size] expanded_t = t.unsqueeze(dim=-1) # [m, self.ent_hidden_size, 1] temp = (torch.matmul(expanded_h,, self.ent_hidden_size, self.ent_hidden_size))).permute(1, 0, 2) # [m, self.rel_hidden_size, self.ent_hidden_size] htmrt = torch.squeeze(torch.matmul(temp, expanded_t), dim=-1) # [m, self.rel_hidden_size] return F.tanh(htmrt + mr1h + mr2t +
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: Tensors: Returns head, relation and tail embedding Tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) norm_h = F.normalize(h_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_r = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) norm_t = F.normalize(t_e, p=2, dim=-1) return -torch.sum(norm_r*self.train_layer(norm_h, norm_t), -1)
[docs] def get_reg(self, h, r, t): return self.lmbda*torch.sqrt(sum([torch.sum(torch.pow(var.weight, 2)) for var in self.parameter_list]))
[docs]class KG2E(PairwiseModel): """ `Learning to Represent Knowledge Graphs with Gaussian Embedding`_ (KG2E) Instead of assumming entities and relations as determinstic points in the embedding vector spaces, KG2E models both entities and relations (h, r and t) using random variables derived from multivariate Gaussian distribution. KG2E then evaluates a fact using translational relation by evaluating the distance between two distributions, r and t-h. KG2E provides two distance measures (KL-divergence and estimated likelihood). Portion of the code based on `mana-ysh's repository`_. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _`mana-ysh's repository`: .. _Learning to Represent Knowledge Graphs with Gaussian Embedding: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(KG2E, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "cmax", "cmin"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) # the mean for each element in the embedding space. self.ent_embeddings_mu = NamedEmbedding("ent_embeddings_mu", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings_mu = NamedEmbedding("rel_embeddings_mu", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) # as the paper suggested, sigma is simplified to be the diagonal element in the covariance matrix. self.ent_embeddings_sigma = NamedEmbedding("ent_embeddings_sigma", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings_sigma = NamedEmbedding("rel_embeddings_sigma", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings_mu.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings_mu.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings_sigma.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings_sigma.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings_mu, self.ent_embeddings_sigma, self.rel_embeddings_mu, self.rel_embeddings_sigma, ] min_ent = torch.min(torch.FloatTensor().new_full(self.ent_embeddings_sigma.weight.shape, self.cmax), torch.add(self.ent_embeddings_sigma.weight, 1.0)) self.ent_embeddings_sigma.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor().new_full(self.ent_embeddings_sigma.weight.shape, self.cmin), min_ent)) min_rel = torch.min(torch.FloatTensor().new_full(self.rel_embeddings_sigma.weight.shape, self.cmax), torch.add(self.rel_embeddings_sigma.weight, 1.0)) self.rel_embeddings_sigma.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor().new_full(self.rel_embeddings_sigma.weight.shape, self.cmin), min_rel)) self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_mu, h_sigma, r_mu, r_sigma, t_mu, t_sigma = self.embed(h, r, t) return self._cal_score_kl_divergence(h_mu, h_sigma, r_mu, r_sigma, t_mu, t_sigma)
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """ Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: tuple: Returns a 6-tuple of head, relation and tail embedding tensors (both real and img parts). """ emb_h_mu = self.ent_embeddings_mu(h) emb_r_mu = self.rel_embeddings_mu(r) emb_t_mu = self.ent_embeddings_mu(t) emb_h_sigma = self.ent_embeddings_sigma(h) emb_r_sigma = self.rel_embeddings_sigma(r) emb_t_sigma = self.ent_embeddings_sigma(t) emb_h_mu = self.get_normalized_data(emb_h_mu) emb_r_mu = self.get_normalized_data(emb_r_mu) emb_t_mu = self.get_normalized_data(emb_t_mu) emb_h_sigma = self.get_normalized_data(emb_h_sigma) emb_r_sigma = self.get_normalized_data(emb_r_sigma) emb_t_sigma = self.get_normalized_data(emb_t_sigma) return emb_h_mu, emb_h_sigma, emb_r_mu, emb_r_sigma, emb_t_mu, emb_t_sigma
@staticmethod def get_normalized_data(embedding, p=2, dim=1): norms = torch.norm(embedding, p, dim) return embedding.div(norms.view(-1, 1).expand_as(embedding)) def _cal_score_kl_divergence(self, h_mu, h_sigma, r_mu, r_sigma, t_mu, t_sigma): """ It calculates the kl_divergence as a score. trace_fac: tr(sigma_r-1 * (sigma_h + sigma_t)) mul_fac: (mu_h + mu_r - mu_t).T * sigma_r-1 * (mu_h + mu_r - mu_t) det_fac: log(det(sigma_r)/det(sigma_h + sigma_t)) Args: h_mu (Tensor): Mean of the embedding value of the head. h_sigma(Tensor): Variance of the embedding value of the head. r_mu(Tensor): Mean of the embedding value of the relation. r_sigma(Tensor): Variance of the embedding value of the relation. t_mu(Tensor): Mean of the embedding value of the tail. t_sigma(Tensor): Variance of the embedding value of the tail. Returns: Tensor: Score after calculating the KL_Divergence. """ comp_sigma = h_sigma + r_sigma comp_mu = h_mu + r_mu trace_fac = (comp_sigma / t_sigma).sum(-1) mul_fac = ((t_mu - comp_mu) ** 2 / t_sigma).sum(-1) det_fac = (torch.log(t_sigma) - torch.log(comp_sigma)).sum(-1) return trace_fac + mul_fac + det_fac - self.hidden_size
[docs]class HoLE(PairwiseModel): """ `Holographic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs`_. (HoLE) employs the circular correlation to create composition correlations. It is able to represent and capture the interactions betweek entities and relations while being efficient to compute, easier to train and scalable to large dataset. Args: config (object): Model configuration parameters. .. _Holographic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HoLE, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) param_list = ["tot_entity", "tot_relation", "hidden_size", "cmax", "cmin"] param_dict = self.load_params(param_list, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(param_dict) self.ent_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("ent_embedding", self.tot_entity, self.hidden_size) self.rel_embeddings = NamedEmbedding("rel_embedding", self.tot_relation, self.hidden_size) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.ent_embeddings.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.rel_embeddings.weight) self.parameter_list = [ self.ent_embeddings, self.rel_embeddings, ] self.loss = Criterion.pairwise_hinge
[docs] def forward(self, h, r, t): h_e, r_e, t_e = self.embed(h, r, t) r_e = F.normalize(r_e, p=2, dim=-1) h_e = torch.stack((h_e, torch.zeros_like(h_e)), -1) t_e = torch.stack((t_e, torch.zeros_like(t_e)), -1) e, _ = torch.unbind(torch.ifft(torch.conj(torch.fft(h_e, 1)) * torch.fft(t_e, 1), 1), -1) return -F.sigmoid(torch.sum(r_e * e, 1))
[docs] def embed(self, h, r, t): """ Function to get the embedding value. Args: h (Tensor): Head entities ids. r (Tensor): Relation ids of the triple. t (Tensor): Tail entity ids of the triple. Returns: tuple: Returns a 3-tuple of head, relation and tail embedding tensors. """ emb_h = self.ent_embeddings(h) emb_r = self.rel_embeddings(r) emb_t = self.ent_embeddings(t) return emb_h, emb_r, emb_t