Source code for pykg2vec.utils.evaluator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module is for evaluating the results
import os
import timeit
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pykg2vec.utils.logger import Logger
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class MetricCalculator: ''' MetricCalculator aims to 1) address all the statistic tasks. 2) provide interfaces for querying results. MetricCalculator is expected to be used by "evaluation_process". ''' _logger = Logger().get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.hr_t = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('hr_t') self.tr_h = config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('tr_h') # (f)mr : (filtered) mean rank # (f)mrr : (filtered) mean reciprocal rank # (f)hit : (filtered) hit-k ratio = {} self.fmr = {} self.mrr = {} self.fmrr = {} self.hit = {} self.fhit = {} self.epoch = None self.reset() def reset(self): # temporarily used buffers and indexes. self.rank_head = [] self.rank_tail = [] self.f_rank_head = [] self.f_rank_tail = [] self.epoch = None self.start_time = timeit.default_timer() def append_result(self, result): predict_tail = result[0] predict_head = result[1] h, r, t = result[2], result[3], result[4] self.epoch = result[5] t_rank, f_t_rank = self.get_tail_rank(predict_tail, h, r, t) h_rank, f_h_rank = self.get_head_rank(predict_head, h, r, t) self.rank_head.append(h_rank) self.rank_tail.append(t_rank) self.f_rank_head.append(f_h_rank) self.f_rank_tail.append(f_t_rank)
[docs] def get_tail_rank(self, tail_candidate, h, r, t): """Function to evaluate the tail rank. Args: id_replace_tail (list): List of the predicted tails for the given head, relation pair h (int): head id r (int): relation id t (int): tail id hr_t (dict): list of tails for the given hwS and relation pari. Returns: Tensors: Returns tail rank and filetered tail rank """ trank = 0 ftrank = 0 for j in range(len(tail_candidate)): val = tail_candidate[-j - 1] if val != t: trank += 1 ftrank += 1 if val in self.hr_t[(h, r)]: ftrank -= 1 else: break return trank, ftrank
[docs] def get_head_rank(self, head_candidate, h, r, t): """Function to evaluate the head rank. Args: head_candidate (list): List of the predicted head for the given tail, relation pair h (int): head id r (int): relation id t (int): tail id Returns: Tensors: Returns head rank and filetered head rank """ hrank = 0 fhrank = 0 for j in range(len(head_candidate)): val = head_candidate[-j - 1] if val != h: hrank += 1 fhrank += 1 if val in self.tr_h[(t, r)]: fhrank -= 1 else: break return hrank, fhrank
def settle(self): head_ranks = np.asarray(self.rank_head, dtype=np.float32)+1 tail_ranks = np.asarray(self.rank_tail, dtype=np.float32)+1 head_franks = np.asarray(self.f_rank_head, dtype=np.float32)+1 tail_franks = np.asarray(self.f_rank_tail, dtype=np.float32)+1 ranks = np.concatenate((head_ranks, tail_ranks)) franks = np.concatenate((head_franks, tail_franks))[self.epoch] = np.mean(ranks) self.mrr[self.epoch] = np.mean(np.reciprocal(ranks)) self.fmr[self.epoch] = np.mean(franks) self.fmrr[self.epoch] = np.mean(np.reciprocal(franks)) for hit in self.config.hits: self.hit[(self.epoch, hit)] = np.mean(ranks <= hit, dtype=np.float32) self.fhit[(self.epoch, hit)] = np.mean(franks <= hit, dtype=np.float32) def get_curr_scores(self): scores = {'mr':[self.epoch], 'fmr':self.fmr[self.epoch], 'mrr':self.mrr[self.epoch], 'fmrr':self.fmrr[self.epoch]} return scores
[docs] def save_test_summary(self, model_name): """Function to save the test of the summary. Args: model_name (str): specify the name of the model. """ files = os.listdir(str(self.config.path_result)) l = len([f for f in files if model_name in f if 'Testing' in f]) with open(str(self.config.path_result / (model_name + '_summary_' + str(l) + '.txt')), 'w') as fh: fh.write('----------------SUMMARY----------------\n') for key, val in self.config.__dict__.items(): if 'gpu' in key: continue if 'knowledge_graph' in key: continue if not isinstance(val, str): if isinstance(val, list): v_tmp = '[' for i, v in enumerate(val): if i == 0: v_tmp += str(v) else: v_tmp += ',' + str(v) v_tmp += ']' val = v_tmp else: val = str(val) fh.write(key + ':' + val + '\n') fh.write('-----------------------------------------\n') fh.write("\n----------Metadata Info for Dataset:%s----------------" % self.config.knowledge_graph.dataset_name) fh.write("Total Training Triples :%d\n"%self.config.tot_train_triples) fh.write("Total Testing Triples :%d\n"%self.config.tot_test_triples) fh.write("Total validation Triples :%d\n"%self.config.tot_valid_triples) fh.write("Total Entities :%d\n"%self.config.tot_entity) fh.write("Total Relations :%d\n"%self.config.tot_relation) fh.write("---------------------------------------------") columns = ['Epoch', 'Mean Rank', 'Filtered Mean Rank', 'Mean Reciprocal Rank', 'Filtered Mean Reciprocal Rank'] for hit in self.config.hits: columns += ['Hit-%d Ratio'%hit, 'Filtered Hit-%d Ratio'%hit] results = [] for epoch, _ in res_tmp = [epoch,[epoch], self.fmr[epoch], self.mrr[epoch], self.fmrr[epoch]] for hit in self.config.hits: res_tmp.append(self.hit[(epoch, hit)]) res_tmp.append(self.fhit[(epoch, hit)]) results.append(res_tmp) df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=columns) with open(str(self.config.path_result / (model_name + '_Testing_results_' + str(l) + '.csv')), 'a') as fh: df.to_csv(fh)
[docs] def display_summary(self): """Function to print the test summary.""" stop_time = timeit.default_timer() test_results = [] test_results.append('') test_results.append("------Test Results for %s: Epoch: %d --- time: %.2f------------" % (self.config.dataset_name, self.epoch, stop_time - self.start_time)) test_results.append('--# of entities, # of relations: %d, %d'%(self.config.tot_entity, self.config.tot_relation)) test_results.append('--mr, filtered mr : %.4f, %.4f'%([self.epoch], self.fmr[self.epoch])) test_results.append('--mrr, filtered mrr : %.4f, %.4f'%(self.mrr[self.epoch], self.fmrr[self.epoch])) for hit in self.config.hits: test_results.append('--hits%d : %.4f ' % (hit, (self.hit[(self.epoch, hit)]))) test_results.append('--filtered hits%d : %.4f ' % (hit, (self.fhit[(self.epoch, hit)]))) test_results.append("---------------------------------------------------------") test_results.append('')"\n".join(test_results))
[docs]class Evaluator: """Class to perform evaluation of the model. Args: model (object): Model object tuning (bool): Flag to denoting tuning if True Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.evaluator import Evaluator >>> evaluator = Evaluator(model=model, tuning=True) >>> evaluator.test_batch(Session(), 0) >>> acc = evaluator.output_queue.get() >>> evaluator.stop() """ _logger = Logger().get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, model, config, tuning=False): self.model = model self.config = config self.tuning = tuning self.test_data = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('triplets_test') self.eval_data = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('triplets_valid') self.metric_calculator = MetricCalculator(self.config) def test_tail_rank(self, h, r, topk=-1): if hasattr(self.model, 'predict_tail_rank'): rank = self.model.predict_tail_rank(torch.LongTensor([h]).to(self.config.device), torch.LongTensor([r]).to(self.config.device), topk=topk) return rank.squeeze(0) h_batch = torch.LongTensor([h]).repeat([self.config.tot_entity]).to(self.config.device) r_batch = torch.LongTensor([r]).repeat([self.config.tot_entity]).to(self.config.device) entity_array = torch.LongTensor(list(range(self.config.tot_entity))).to(self.config.device) preds = self.model.forward(h_batch, r_batch, entity_array) _, rank = torch.topk(preds, k=topk) return rank def test_head_rank(self, r, t, topk=-1): if hasattr(self.model, 'predict_head_rank'): rank = self.model.predict_head_rank(torch.LongTensor([t]).to(self.config.device), torch.LongTensor([r]).to(self.config.device), topk=topk) return rank.squeeze(0) entity_array = torch.LongTensor(list(range(self.config.tot_entity))).to(self.config.device) r_batch = torch.LongTensor([r]).repeat([self.config.tot_entity]).to(self.config.device) t_batch = torch.LongTensor([t]).repeat([self.config.tot_entity]).to(self.config.device) preds = self.model.forward(entity_array, r_batch, t_batch) _, rank = torch.topk(preds, k=topk) return rank def test_rel_rank(self, h, t, topk=-1): if hasattr(self.model, 'predict_rel_rank'): # TODO: This is not implemented for conve, proje_pointwise, tucker, interacte, hyper and acre rank = self.model.predict_rel_rank(,, topk=topk) return rank.squeeze(0) h_batch = torch.LongTensor([h]).repeat([self.config.tot_relation]).to(self.config.device) rel_array = torch.LongTensor(list(range(self.config.tot_relation))).to(self.config.device) t_batch = torch.LongTensor([t]).repeat([self.config.tot_relation]).to(self.config.device) preds = self.model.forward(h_batch, rel_array, t_batch) _, rank = torch.topk(preds, k=topk) return rank def mini_test(self, epoch=None): if self.config.test_num == 0: tot_valid_to_test = len(self.eval_data) else: tot_valid_to_test = min(self.config.test_num, len(self.eval_data)) if self.config.debug: tot_valid_to_test = 10"Mini-Testing on [%d/%d] Triples in the valid set." % (tot_valid_to_test, len(self.eval_data))) return self.test(self.eval_data, tot_valid_to_test, epoch=epoch) def full_test(self, epoch=None): tot_valid_to_test = len(self.test_data) if self.config.debug: tot_valid_to_test = 10"Full-Testing on [%d/%d] Triples in the test set." % (tot_valid_to_test, len(self.test_data))) return self.test(self.test_data, tot_valid_to_test, epoch=epoch) def test(self, data, num_of_test, epoch=None): self.metric_calculator.reset() progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_of_test)) for i in progress_bar: h, r, t = data[i].h, data[i].r, data[i].t # generate head batch and predict heads. h_tensor = torch.LongTensor([h]) r_tensor = torch.LongTensor([r]) t_tensor = torch.LongTensor([t]) hrank = self.test_head_rank(r_tensor, t_tensor, self.config.tot_entity) trank = self.test_tail_rank(h_tensor, r_tensor, self.config.tot_entity) result_data = [trank.detach().cpu().numpy(), hrank.detach().cpu().numpy(), h, r, t, epoch] self.metric_calculator.append_result(result_data) self.metric_calculator.settle() self.metric_calculator.display_summary() if self.metric_calculator.epoch >= self.config.epochs - 1: self.metric_calculator.save_test_summary(self.model.model_name) return self.metric_calculator.get_curr_scores()